It’s been a while since I put out an episode and I just wanted to dust off the cobwebs. I’m looking to return to proper podcasting in 2020 with a experimental vibe, and I’d like to see where that goes.

For now though, you can catch me on my blog or on my YouTube channel.

Any and all forms of feedback is welcome.

So. today is March 8th, thus the title may not seem to make much sense, but, this episode was recorded on 5th of February. 

It’s been sitting in my vault and I decided you know what, let this post be free. 

Been thinking a lot about the content that I want to put out in 2019, and while it’s still not concrete, I’d like to try and have as much fun as I can figuring it out.

Hopefully you’ll stick around for the ride

Are you the type of person who typically wings it when it comes to doing your tasks, or do you actually take your time to plan out your time? In this episode I talk about how planning could help boost your productivity.

Ah, introductions; I’m typically not good at this, but you’ve got to give people perspective, right?