While I was writing my headless tutorial, I ran into this peculiar problem where I could use raspberrypi.local to SSH into the RPi while connected through Ethernet but not while using WiFi. Now this was a fairly new problem, since before this particular instance, I could always use the .local address to SSH into the … Continue reading Why Can’t I SSH into the Raspberry Pi Using raspberrypi.local Through WiFi on Windows?
Category: Raspberry Pi
Controlling the Pi’s WiFi Radio via the Terminal
I'm not a Linux guru by any standards, at best I am an experienced noob. Nonetheless, I have heard of the famed power of the terminal. So a couple of years back when I was faced with a situation where I only had access to the terminal on a Pi running Raspbian, and I needed … Continue reading Controlling the Pi’s WiFi Radio via the Terminal
Off with Your Head – Setting Up the Raspberry Pi Headless
In one of my earlier posts I talked about how to setup the Raspberry Pi in the least stressful way. Now, I've been using the Raspberry Pi for a couple of years and truth be told, I hardly ever connect a monitor, keyboard or mouse directly, no, I tend to use the Raspberry Pi headless. … Continue reading Off with Your Head – Setting Up the Raspberry Pi Headless
So You Bought Yourself a Raspberry Pi 3, Now What!
My second post when I started this blog was about my choice of a prototyping board to explore, and I started out with an Arduino. Back then, one of my arguments for choosing the Arduino over the Raspberry Pi was cost. While the cost factor hasn't changed all that much, I managed to get myself … Continue reading So You Bought Yourself a Raspberry Pi 3, Now What!
Arduino: I Choose You
When I was getting started with the whole maker movement, I was torn between choosing the Arduino or the Raspberry Pi. They were the boards that I had heard most about and seen some pretty awesome projects done with them (in my research I came across the Beaglebone but that is a board for another … Continue reading Arduino: I Choose You